September 23 to October 7, 2019 Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts Shenyang, China collective exhibition
July 13 to September 21, 2019 1905 gallery Shenyang, China collective exhibition
October 21 to 28, 2018 SALON DES REALITES NOUVELLES (Paris - France) Parc Floral de Paris Château de Vincennes collective exhibition
June 8th - June 27th, 2018 PRAXIS GALLERY THE ABSTRACT IMAGE (Minneapolis - USA) collective exhibition
From October 12 to December 7, 2017 ARTEPPES - ESPACE D'ART COMTEMPORAIN (ANNECY - France) collective exhibition
From September 29 to December 1, 2017 11 EME BIENNALE D'ART SACRE ACTUEL (Lyon - France) collective exhibition
October 15 to 22, 2017 SALON DES REALITES NOUVELLES (Paris - France) Parc Floral de Paris Château de Vincennes collective exhibition
October 2 to 13, 2017 CERCLE DES ARTS DU BIT (GENEVE) Salle des Colonnades Route des Morillons 4 (Genève - Switzerland) collective exhibition
beauty can arise where you least expect it
I call "natural abstractions" abstract forms created solely by time, nature and the elements. They are ephemeral traces, largely discovered while exploring abandoned urban areas such as industrial wasteland, junkyards and unfinished worksites which show us that beauty can arise where you least expect it.
This project has been awarded numerous international prizes and received the label COP 21.
A pareidolia is a kind of optical illusion which associates a visual stimulus with an identifiable object, often a human being or an animal. The human brain is particularly inclined to recognize a face whenever an object looks similar to it.
This serie is part of the exhibition Natural Abstraction.
Series based on the superposition of two images made from the monumental sculpture of Emile Gilioli located on the Glières plateau in Haute Savoie (France).
Series of new experiments based on the multiple shooting of the same place. Here the Gardens by the Bay in Singapore.
Series based on the sculpture "THE SPOOL", from the American artist John Besbee which is composed of thousands of welded nails. The sculpture is part of the Snite Museum of Art (Notre Dame, USA).